Rediscovering Gratitude at 30,000 Feet

Jun 15, 2020

Airline travel is an adventure these days! Cancelled and delayed flights are the name of the game but sometimes we have to be somewhere else! I was feeling a little stressed with all the Covid 19 airport requirements, environments and a fairly full plane, Finally in my window seat.being whisked up to 30,000 feet, I started to look at the world from a new perspective! The sky was beautiful blue with puffy clouds, the shoreline of Lake Michigan was magnificent! I was reminded of one of the mindful exercises that we often do in the workshops I offer. Taking out a sheet of lavender paper and a purple pen (those alone add to my positive outlook!) I began to write a list of gratitudes. My list grew exceedingly long as I rediscovered so many things that I am grateful for in this world. Family and friends, wonderful colleagues who do fantastic work for children and families, blue skies and blue oceans, peaceful settings and flowers, this list goes on! With the tumultuous events in our world this year, remembering all the things I am grateful for raised my spirits and my resolve to keep making a difference for the people and events in my circle of influence! Maybe you will find this an uplifting restorative exercise as well. I hope you do!!

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